How to Use GeoMX Synchronization?#

GeoMX currently supports two fundamental synchronization algorithms, i.e., the fully-synchronous algorithm, the mixed-synchronous algorithm, and an advanced algorithm, i.e., hierarchical frequency aggregation.

Fully-Synchronous Algorithm#

Fully-Synchronous Algorithm (FSA) is the default strategy for model synchronization. In this synchronous algorithm, training nodes synchronize their model data (can be parameters or gradients) each round, and both parameter server systems within and between data centers run in a synchronous parallel mode. All training nodes are synchronized to ensure a consistent model. However, this comes at the expense of training speed, as it requires waiting for all computations and communications to complete at every iteration.

To use FSA, all that’s required is to set dist_sync as a hyperparameter during the initialization of kvstore. For example:

import mxnet as mx

# Initialize distributed kvstore in synchronous mode.
kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_sync")

# Master worker sets the optimizer of the global parameter server to Adam.
if kvstore_dist.is_master_worker:

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for _, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
        # Perform forward and backward propagation to calculate gradients.
        # Synchronize gradients to obtain updated parameters.
        for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
            if param.grad_req == "null": continue
            kvstore_dist.push(idx, param.grad(), priority=-idx)
            kvstore_dist.pull(idx,, priority=-idx)

The demo code can be found in examples/ You can run this demo by simply bash scripts/xpu/, where xpu should be cpu or gpu.

Mixed-Synchronous Algorithm#

Mixed-Synchronous Algorithm (MixedSync) is an asynchronous version of FSA, where the difference is that the parameter server system between data centers runs in an asynchronous parallel mode. This setup is particularly suitable for scenarios where intra-data center training nodes display high homogeneity, yet there is significant resource heterogeneity between different data centers. This asynchronous method resolves the problem of straggling data centers, thereby accelerating distributed training across WANs.

To use MixedSync, all that’s required is to set dist_async instead of dist_sync when initializing kvstore. The rest of the setup remains the same:

import mxnet as mx

kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_async")

Alternatively, you can enable MixedSync by using the --mixed-sync option in our provided python script:

python examples/ --mixed-sync

You can also run this demo by executing bash scripts/xpu/, where xpu should be cpu or gpu.

Use DCASGD Optimizer in MixedSync#

To alleviate the issue of stale gradients in asynchronous parallel operations, the global parameter server can be configured to use the DCASGD optimizer. This adjustment aids in improving training convergence while preserving model accuracy.

The way to enable DCASGD in MixedSync is the same as in MXNET: simply replace the Adam optimizer with the DCASGD optimizer:

import mxnet as mx

kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_async")
if kvstore_dist.is_master_worker:

We can use the following command to enable the DCASGD optimizer in MixedSync:

python examples/ --mixed-sync --dcasgd

Just modify scripts/xpu/ and try it!

Hierarchical Frequency Aggregation#

Inspired by this paper, our Hierarchical Frequency Aggregation (HFA) algorithm first performs \(K_1\) steps of local updates at the training nodes, followed by \(K_2\) steps of synchronizations at the local parameter server. Finally, a global synchronization is performed at the global parameter server. This approach effectively reduces the frequency of model synchronization across data centers, thereby boosting distributed training.

To enable HFA, we initialize kvstore in dist_sync mode and make a simple modification to the training loop:

import mxnet as mx

# Initialize distributed kvstore in synchronous mode.
kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_sync")

# Obtain K1 from environmental variables.
period_k1 = int(os.getenv('MXNET_KVSTORE_HFA_K1'))

# Obtain the number of training nodes in each data center.
num_local_workers = kvstore_dist.num_workers

# Define local trainer to use Adam optimizer.
optimizer = mx.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=lr)
trainer = Trainer(net.collect_params(), optimizer=optimizer)

global_iters = 1
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for _, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
        # Perform forward and backward propagation to calculate gradients.
        # Update local model parameters.
        # Synchronize model parameters every K1 round.
        if global_iters % period_k1 == 0:
            for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
                kvstore_dist.push(idx, / num_local_workers, priority=-idx)
                kvstore_dist.pull(idx,, priority=-idx)
        # Update the iteration counter
        global_iters += 1

Then, let’s set three environmental variables:

MXNET_KVSTORE_USE_HFA = 1  # whether HFA is enabled
MXNET_KVSTORE_HFA_K1 = 20  # number of loops before a local synchronization
MXNET_KVSTORE_HFA_K2 = 10  # number of loops before a global synchronization

The demo code can be found in examples/ You can run this demo by simply bash scripts/xpu/, where xpu should be cpu or gpu.