How to Use GeoMX Accelerators?#

Given the often limited and varied network conditions in WANs, distributed training across data centers can potentially create communication bottlenecks. To mitigate these issues, GeoMX employs a variety of optimization techniques. These include gradient sparsification, mixed-precision quantization, advanced transmission protocols, synchronization algorithms, flow scheduling, priority scheduling, and load balancing, among others (e.g., overlay scheduling, currently in development). These techniques comprehensively tackle communication issues, further enhancing the efficiency and robustness of distributed machine learning training in GeoMX.

This guidance describes the environmental variables and hyperparameters needed to launch each optimization technique in our GeoMX system.

Bidirectional Gradient Sparsification#

Traditional approaches such as Deep Gradient Compression sparsify the pushed gradient tensors. For further compression, we also sparsify the pulled (aggregated) gradient tensors rather than pulling full parameters. This technique is enabled between the global parameter server and the intra-domain parameter servers of different data centers. (Refer to this paper for more details.)

To enable bidirectional gradient sparsification, define it in kvstore_dist.set_gradient_compression and set the compression ratio:

import mxnet as mx

# Initialize distributed kvstore in synchronous mode.
kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_sync")

# Obtain the total number of training nodes.
num_all_workers = kvstore_dist.num_all_workers

# Master worker enables bidirectional gradient sparsification on the global parameter server.
if kvstore_dist.is_master_worker:
    kvstore_dist.set_gradient_compression({"type": "bsc", "threshold": 0.01})

# Define local trainer to use Adam optimizer.
optimizer = mx.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=lr)
trainer = Trainer(net.collect_params(), optimizer=optimizer)

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for _, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
        # Perform forward and backward propagation to calculate gradients.
        # Synchronize gradients for gradient aggregation.
        for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
            if param.grad_req == "null": continue
            kvstore_dist.push(idx, param.grad(), priority=-idx)
            kvstore_dist.pull(idx, param.grad(), priority=-idx)
        # Use aggregated gradients to update local model parameters.
        trainer.step(num_all_workers * batch_size)
        # Put gradients to zero manually.
        for param in net_params:

Note that gradient tensors are classified into large and tiny tensors based on their size, and only the large tensors will be sparsified for transmission. The threshold for classifying large and tiny tensors can be set through the environmental variable MXNET_KVSTORE_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND. For example:


The demo code can be found in examples/ You can run this demo by simply bash scripts/xpu/, where xpu should be cpu or gpu.

Low-Precision Quantization#

GeoMX also supports quantifying model data at lower precision for transmission, such as in FP16 format. In this scheme, GeoMX computes the model using FP32, but during transmission, it converts the model data tensor into FP16. Once the pulling data is received, GeoMX reverts it back into FP32 and continues model computing. This effectively halves the data traffic volume over both LANs and WANs.

To quantify model data for transmission in FP16 format, we can simply convert the numerical precision of tensors in our Python code using astype('float16'):

import mxnet as mx

# Initialize distributed kvstore in synchronous mode.
kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_sync")
is_master_worker = kvstore_dist.is_master_worker

# Initialize 16-bit kvstore space on parameter servers to store model parameters or gradients.
for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
    init_buff ='float16')
    kvstore_dist.init(idx, init_buff)
    if is_master_worker: continue
    kvstore_dist.pull(idx, init_buff)

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for _, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
        # Perform forward and backward propagation to calculate gradients.
        # Synchronize gradients for gradient aggregation.
        for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
            if param.grad_req == "null": continue
            # Push / pull large tensors in 16 bits.
            grad_buff = param.grad().astype('float16')
            kvstore_dist.push(idx, grad_buff, priority=-idx)
            kvstore_dist.pull(idx, grad_buff, priority=-idx)
            # Convert received gradient tensors back to 32 bits.
            param.grad()[:] = grad_buff.astype('float32')
        # Use aggregated gradients to update local model parameters.
        trainer.step(num_all_workers * batch_size)
        # Put gradients to zero manually.
        for param in net_params:

The demo code is provided in examples/, we can run it using bash scripts/xpu/, where xpu should be cpu or gpu.

Mixed-Precision Quantization#

The technology of Mixed-Precision Quantization (MPQ) leverages both Bi-Sparse and FP16. In this scheme, tiny tensors are quantified into FP16 format for transmission, while large tensors persist in the FP32 format. Moreover, these large sensors will undergo a sparsification process before transmission. This precaution is taken to minimize the loss of crucial information and avoid significant degradation to model performance.

Table 1: Summary of the application scope for Bi-Sparse, FP16, and MPQ.#

Intra-Data Center

Inter-Data Centers

Large Tensors

Tiny Tensors

Large Tensors

Tiny Tensors


FP32, Dense

FP32, Dense

FP32, Sparse

FP32, Dense


FP16, Dense

FP16, Dense

FP16, Dense

FP16, Dense


FP32, Dense

FP16, Dense

FP32, Sparse

FP16, Dense

For details on how to classify large and tiny tensors, please refer to the Bidirectional Gradient Sparsification section. The demo code for using MPQ is given below:

import os
import mxnet as mx

# Define the threshold to classify large and tiny tensors, here, the threshold
# is the same as that in Bidirectional Gradient Sparsification.
size_lower_bound = int(os.getenv('MXNET_KVSTORE_SIZE_LOWER_BOUND', 1e3))

# Initialize distributed kvstore in synchronous mode.
kvstore_dist = mx.kv.create("dist_sync")
is_master_worker = kvstore_dist.is_master_worker

# Master worker enables bidirectional gradient sparsification on the global parameter server.
if is_master_worker:
    kvstore_dist.set_gradient_compression({"type": "bsc", "threshold": compression_ratio})

# Initialize kvstore space on parameter servers to store model parameters or gradients.
# Create 32-bit space for large tensors and 16-bit space for tiny tensors.
for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
    init_buff = if > size_lower_bound \
    kvstore_dist.init(idx, init_buff)
    if is_master_worker: continue
    kvstore_dist.pull(idx, init_buff)

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for _, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
        # Perform forward and backward propagation to calculate gradients.
        # Synchronize gradients for gradient aggregation.
        for idx, param in enumerate(net_params):
            if param.grad_req == "null": continue
            # Push / pull large tensors in 32 bits, but tiny tensors in 16 bits.
            grad_buff = param.grad() if param.grad().size > size_lower_bound \
                else param.grad().astype('float16')
            kvstore_dist.push(idx, grad_buff, priority=-idx)
            kvstore_dist.pull(idx, grad_buff, priority=-idx)
            # Convert received gradient tensors back to 32 bits.
            param.grad()[:] = grad_buff.astype('float32')
        # Use aggregated gradients to update local model parameters.
        trainer.step(num_all_workers * batch_size)
        # Put gradients to zero manually.
        for param in net_params:

You can also find them in examples/ and run this demo by executing scripts/xpu/, where xpu should be cpu or gpu.

Differential Gradient Transmission#

Differential Gradient Transmission (DGT) is an optimized transmission protocol for distributed machine learning tasks. Leveraging the tolerance of gradient descent algorithms towards partial parameter loss, this protocol transfers gradients across multiple channels, each with distinct levels of reliability and priority, contingent on their respective contributions to model convergence. Through these prioritized channels, critical gradients receive precedence in transmission, while other non-important gradients are transmitted with lower priority and reliability. This helps to reduce tail latency and thus reduce the end-to-end transmission delay of parameter synchronization. (Refer to this paper for more details and this repo for individual use.)

To enable DGT, set the following environment variables:

ENABLE_DGT = 2  # whether to enable DGT, use value 2 for DGT instead of value 1
DMLC_UDP_CHANNEL_NUM = 3  # number of transmission channels
DMLC_K = 0.8  # compression ratio
ADAPTIVE_K_FLAG = 1  # set value K adaptively

Use the demo script scripts/xpu/ to try it!


To solve the communication in-cast issue typically associated with centralized parameter servers, GeoMX incorporates TSEngine, an adaptive communication scheduler designed for efficient communication overlay in WANs. TSEngine dynamically optimizes the topology overlay and communication logic among the training nodes in response to real-time network conditions. This adaptive scheduler shows significant advantages over existing communication patterns in terms of system efficiency, communication, as well as scalability. (Refer to this paper for more details and this repo for individual use.)

Similar to DGT, only a few environment variables are required to enable TSEngine:

ENABLE_INTER_TS = 1  # whether to enable TSEngine within the data center
ENABLE_INTRA_TS = 1  # whether to enable TSEngine between data centers
MAX_GREED_RATE_TS = 0.9  # perform exploration with a probability of 10%

Use the demo script scripts/xpu/ to try it!


If ENABLE_INTER_TS is used, then TSEngine is enabled across data centers. Instead, if ENABLE_INTRA_TS is used, then TSEngine is enabled inside the data center. In this example, both ENABLE_INTER_TS and ENABLE_INTRA_TS are enabled, but we can also choose to enable only one.

Priority-based Parameter Propagation#

In conventional implementations, the gradient synchronization at round \(r\) does not overlap with the forward propagation at round \(r+1\), because the forward propagation relies on the completion of gradient synchronization. To improve system efficiency, GeoMX integrates the Priority-based Parameter Propagation (P3) scheduler, which prioritizes the transmission of shallow-layer gradients. This setup enables overlapping between forward propagation and gradient synchronization, allowing earlier execution of forward propagation for the next round, thereby accelerating distributed training. (See this paper for more details and this repo for individual use.)

To enable P3, only one environment variable is required:

ENABLE_P3 = 1  # whether to enable P3

Use the demo script scripts/xpu/ to try it!

Multi-Server Load Balancing#

GeoMX supports a balanced distribution of workload, including traffic, storage, and computation, across multiple global parameter servers. By preventing any single server from becoming a bottleneck, Multi-Server Load Balancing (MultiGPS) significantly enhances efficiency, scalability, and overall performance of our GeoMX system.

To enable MultiGPS, set DMLC_NUM_GLOBAL_SERVER and some DMLC_NUM_SERVER to an integer greater than 1.

# In the central party:
# For the global scheduler
# For the global server 0
# For the global server 1
# For the master worker
# For the local scheduler in the central party

# In the other parties:
# For the local server

Use the demo script scripts/xpu/ to try it!