Deploy GeoMX on Multiple Hosts#

To deploy GeoMX on real-world geographical data centers, we need to use the multi-host mode for cluster deployment.

In this tutorial, we use three host machines as an example, namely A, B, and C with their respective IP addresses as follows:

  • Host A IP:

  • Host B IP:

  • Host C IP:

To simulate the interconnection among three data centers using these three host machines, we manually segregate the Docker containers on these machines into three distinct network segments.

  • Host A: bridge docker0,

  • Host B: bridge docker0,

  • Host C: bridge docker0,


We can use the following configuration example to guide you on how to configure the Docker bridge network on your own machines.

On each of the host machines, modify the Docker configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json to set the bip (Bridge IP) to a specific subnet. For instance, on host A with IP, set the bip to Similar modifications should be made for host B and C, as shown in the following:

// On host A (IP
$ sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
(vim) {
(vim)   "bip": ""
(vim) }
$ sudo service docker restart
$ sudo service docker status

This step defines the IP range for the Docker bridge network on each host. By separating the networks in this way, each Docker container on the hosts can have its unique IP, which assists in simulating intercommunication across different networks.

Please note that once you change this configuration, you need to restart the Docker service to apply the changes. You can check the status of the Docker service using the service docker status command to ensure that it has restarted successfully.

To enable intercommunication between containers located within different network segments, we can configure the route table on the host machines to assist in forwarding IP packets sent from the containers.

The route command is used to modify the IP routing table of the Linux kernel. It’s a way to define how packets should be forwarded depending on their destination address. Here is an example on how to set it up on each host:

// On host A (IP
sudo route add -net netmask gw
sudo route add -net netmask gw

// On host B (IP
sudo route add -net netmask gw
sudo route add -net netmask gw

// On host C (IP
sudo route add -net netmask gw
sudo route add -net netmask gw

These commands add routes to the table so that packets sent to the Docker network on each host (e.g.,,, and are forwarded to the corresponding IP (represented by,, and respectively). As a result, the containers on each host can communicate with the containers on the other hosts.

Next, we configure the iptables on hosts A, B, and C to support Source Network Address Translation (SNAT). SNAT is necessary in this scenario because it allows machines in different network segments (in this case, the Docker containers on different hosts) to communicate with each other. This is achieved by translating the source IP address of an outgoing packet to the IP address of the host machine. The host then routes the packet to its destination, and when the packet returns, it translates the destination IP back to the original Docker container.

Here’s how to set up SNAT with iptables on each host:

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING

// On host A (IP
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE

// On host B (IP
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE

// On host C (IP
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE

The iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s command is applied to all packets coming from each Docker network (-s, -s, -s that are not destined to their local network (! -d The -j MASQUERADE option hides the Docker network behind the IP address of the host machine.

By setting up SNAT with iptables this way, we enable seamless communication between Docker containers across different network segments, which is crucial for a distributed system like GeoMX.


In addition to the above-mentioned method of manually configuring network route tables, there are many other ways to establish connectivity between Docker containers in different network segments. For example, Weave and Klonet are good choices.

Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts. Essentially, it establishes a network bridge between hosts which allows containers to communicate as if they are on the same host.

Here’s a basic example of how you could use Weave to connect Docker containers.

  1. Install Weave on each of the host machines:

sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/weave
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave
  1. Launch Weave on each host:

weave launch
  1. If you have Docker containers running, you can attach them to the Weave network:

weave attach <container_id>

This will attach the specified container to the Weave network. Now, all containers connected via Weave can communicate seamlessly, regardless of the host they’re on. If you encounter any problems using weave, please refer to the latest weave docs for the latest deployment guide.

Keep in mind that while Weave is an excellent tool, it’s best suited for small to medium-sized networks. For larger networks or for networks with specific performance requirements, the Klonet platform might be more appropriate.


If there is a firewall between host machines, you must permit traffic to flow through TCP 6783 and UDP 6783 / 6784, which are Weave’s control and data ports.

After setting up the network and ensuring the Docker containers can communicate with each other, the next step is to run the GeoMX processes in these containers. To do this, you need to set up the environment variables (described in the chapter of Deploy GeoMX in Pseudo-distributed Mode as per your GeoMX configuration and start the different node processes in different containers.


Kindly remember to correctly assign the IP addresses and port numbers for the global scheduler and all local schedulers. The containers running these schedulers should reflect their actual IP addresses within your network.


Please ensure that all these containers expose their ports to the host machine. This step is known as “port mapping” and is crucial for allowing external applications or systems to communicate with the GeoMX service running inside the Docker container.

To export a container’s port to the host, use the -p option when running Docker image. For example, if we have the global scheduler listening on port 9092, we map it to port 9092 on its host machine via:

sudo docker run -it --rm --name geomx-cpu -p 9092:9092 lizonghango00o1/geomx:cpu-only bash

Remember to adjust the port numbers to avoid port conflicts when setting up your Docker containers. When you map a container’s port to a port on the host machine, that port on the host machine gets reserved for the container. This means that no other process or container can use that same port on the host machine while it’s reserved. If multiple containers on the same host machine try to map to the same host port, a port conflict will occur, leading to errors and potentially failed deployments.

When setting up the global server and all local servers, you need to specify the IP and port number of the global scheduler. This is typically done by setting the DMLC_PS_GLOBAL_ROOT_URI and DMLC_PS_GLOBAL_ROOT_PORT environment variables to the IP and port number of the global scheduler.

For all the servers and workers (including the global server and master worker), it’s necessary to specify the IP and port number of the local scheduler in their party. This can be done by setting the DMLC_PS_ROOT_URI and DMLC_PS_ROOT_PORT environment variables to the IP and port number of their own local scheduler.

Here’s an example of how you might set these variables in a global server node:

DMLC_ROLE_GLOBAL=global_server \
DMLC_PS_GLOBAL_ROOT_URI= \  # IP of the global scheduler
DMLC_PS_GLOBAL_ROOT_PORT=9092 \        # Port of the global scheduler
DMLC_ROLE=server \
DMLC_PS_ROOT_URI= \         # IP of the local scheduler (in the central party)
DMLC_PS_ROOT_PORT=9093 \               # Port of the local scheduler (in the central party)
DMLC_INTERFACE=ethwe \                 # Name of network interface, the default is ethwe if Weave is used
nohup python -c "import mxnet" > /dev/null &

Remember to replace the IP addresses and port numbers according to your actual network configuration. The configuration for other environment variables remains the same as previously discussed.